Have you ever looked down while walking? or do you just focus on what is in front of you? One thing I've learned in life is that everything that goes up must come down and everything that goes down will come back up. What do I mean? Well, let's use the analogy of a seasonal tree. Every spring it blooms and stays full of life all throughout the summer but when the fall comes the leaves start to fall and in the winter the tree becomes naked. So, for a period of time the tree is at its all time high, full of leaves. But then when it becomes naked it is at it lowest, nothing to protect it but itself. Next spring the cycle starts all over again.

The Up And Down Life Cycle Scenario

In life we will have our time to be up, time to transition and time to be down. Is one situation better than the other? No not at all. We just have periods in our lives where things are great and times they are not. But in it all it builds growth, elevation and lessons within ourselves. If I were always just focus on the upside or downside of things but not seeing the entire picture I would not had discovered the beauties of this ant whole while walking today. When we are able to embrace the overall picture this is when we truly discover the fullness of life. This is when we can truly see beauty.

A Word Of Wisdom

Today, I'm leaving on this note: "Do not stay stuck in one place, embrace all life has to offer you and see the beauty's in the smallest things like I did in this ant hole".
Enjoy your day on purpose! And thank you for taking the time to read my post today. Give thanks for your continuous support!


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Peace and Love from me to you, 


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