Last Week Recap: First Weekly Mantra/Affirmation

Last Week Recap: First Weekly Mantra/Affirmation

"No Matter What Stage Of Life I am In I Will Always Be At Peace" 

Whether you are on the mountain peak or down low in the valley know each stage something great will come from both. Darkness we are taught is not a good place to be, well I tend to not agree. In my eyes darkness helps us see what we couldn't and teaches us a lesson, grows us into wisdom. Not only does it help us become stronger but it helps us to help others going down a similar path. We are their soothers, encouragers, inspirers and reminders to let them know in every dark valley there is light at the end of it. So, the next time you are going through darkness be at peace to know light is awaiting on the other end. Know that you are just being refined to something much greater. Always remember there is a time you will be high and there is a time you will be low but in each level you will grow to become a better you. So focus on the light as you shed it to others in need of up lifting.

Now let's meditate and imbed this mantra into our lives daily that we may become a better us. There are people awaiting our help so lets lead by example. You got this!

Please do comment if this mantra was a help to you. We would love to hear back from you.

Peace and Love from me to you,

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