My name is Tcherari Ella Khema
The Empress of Divine Light
That comes to restore earth beings
I rise like the Great Mothers of my time
As I am invoked and awakened from my beauty sleep
Hearing the souls of my crying children
Bringing forth the powers bestowed in me to restore them back to their true natural origin
An assignment I chose many dimensions ago
I have now risen so my beautiful children you can walk in your truth once again
Walk in unity and oneness
Walk in the love that you are
You are now healed and my work is done
~Tcherari Ella Khema~©

Now the question for you is WHO ARE YOU? What is your purpose here in this lifetime? If you are not sure, think about what you do naturally everyday that makes a difference in others lives? What is it that you love and you do it everyday without even thinking? Feel free to share in the comments.
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