Never Give Up On You!

Never Give Up On You!

Do Not Let Time Spent Getting Yourself Together Become Permanent

Sometimes we allow life to get in the way and we stop progressing. We feel so overwhelmed to the point we start asking ourselves, "How are we going to continue fulfilling our desires with all that is going on around us"? Well this has been me the end of February until now. I have let life get in the way of my goals, well more of put my goals on hold for a few weeks. I had to take a short stop to get somethings together personally with myself. I'm always traveling and my home had started to become a dumping ground. Basically, I would come home drop my bags and let things pile up. Constantly, moving without stopping to mend and care for home. So, for these past few weeks I've been getting home in order so that I can be more effective for my audience. If I'm not in order I have realized I will not be able to give my best.

I will say through these times I have taken several self-interventions and started to become critical of myself. The fact I have not kept my word with my audience does bother me. But I'm learning to be less critical of myself. My intuition spoke to me, "take the time needed to get your personal space in order and when you are ready your audience will be there front and center to receive you". If I keep on the path I have been on producing and constantly on the go I will never achieve to my fullest potential and keep my audience engaged. So, I am spending much needed time to get this in order so that I can produce to my fullest potential. As spring arrives on the scene so will Tcherari Life Journals giving you all a new spin on things by providing you with consistency, new inspiring and motivating stories, weekly mantras, a few e-books and new services. So, look out for us coming back fully on the scene, starting spring with a bang!

My message to those thinking about throwing in the towel or in the same or similar situation as me DO NOT GIVE UP! Someone out there can use what you are providing even if you only have a few followers on social networking or subscribers on your website. We all have a purpose/calling and if it touches just one person, guess what, you did your job. So, if you need a little time off to regroup yourself then do it. Just do not stay stuck there. Believe me I have to keep telling myself this as well. Get what you need in order and get back on your A game. It is an audience out here waiting on you that your purpose provides them.

I am learning so much as a blogger and aspiring entrepreneur. I give thanks for all the phenomenal mentors, coaches, guides and my support system. When I get off course or let my emotions get the best of me they are right there to help me remember my WHY and help me to get back on course. It is something great to have and if you do not have it come join me at Girl Ceo Inner Circle (  and the Consistent tribe ( to be amongst like minds.

I am leaving you with this affirmation: I will never give up on my passions and calling here on earth. But I will remember when things get overwhelming to take out time for myself to get things back imbalance and on course.

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