My Final Letter To You 

Dear GrandMa,

I will not remember you as you became weakened everyday but I will remember you as you were before grandad passed and your health took a tole on you. You were always a woman that spoke your mind. Gave it like you felt and did not care how the person received it because it was your truth. You were clairvoyant a gift to know and see the now, present and future. You were the soother to those transitioning to the spiritual realm. You slayed in the kitchen and there will never be a replica of your original ingredients. You killed them with your unique fashionista style and them banging hats. You love walking . A day did not go by if you were not getting a neighborhood walk in. You loved chicken it was like your favorite meal. Natural health is something you believed in and I will admit, it truly bothered me when I saw you deter to medications. I can go on and on about your uniqueness but I just wanted to share a snippet how eye saw you. Thank you for all your years here both the good and bad. You were the best grandmother you new how to be and you will be missed.

Love, Tanesa (your nickname for me)

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