I Will Not Give Up On Myself But I Will Keep Pressing Forward
Over this past week after not getting the start I had anticipated coming into 2019 all sorts of thoughts and visions have come to me to quit.
The Loud Voice I am constantly shown giving up is the perfect option. If you go back to your life of just a 9 to 5 and no longer blog, remove yourself from social networking, no longer be a part of groups that keep you focused and motivated, cancelling mentorships and coaching, sale your camera, no longer pursue screenwriting and continue to stay within your circle providing counseling and guidance. Just go back to being you before this circus life surfaced.
The Quiet Still Voice But then the small still voice tells me I know the start of 2019 was rough but look at what you have gotten done over a year. Small accomplishments are still progression. Giving up is not an option. This life you are seeking to build and services you will soon provide will take you to another phase of walking into your purpose. You are talented and gifted and it is time the world knows. It is time that you give and pour out to your circle and share with the world. You have gotten too far to just turn around and give up now. The universe has opened widely for you and the steps you are taking is leading you to the life you were called to live here in this lifetime. Tcherari Ella Khema was not birthed to live a mediocre life you were called to something special. So, tell fear and insecurities to shut up and go sit down, you no longer are connected to them. It is time, you take things to the next level. You have the guidance, counseling, mentoring, coaching, group of supporters to help to keep you moving forward. So as you tell everyone else, let’s go and they got this well so do you. Today a death will occur you are not your past nor your present but you are your now. So walk in it.
These two voices have been a battle but know you are a conquer so choose to press forward. Choose the voice that speaks so quietly to you. I know some of you can relate and if you are ready to give up DO NOT, we got this and will press through this together. I am leaving you with a few things I do when that loud boisterous voice is trying to overtake me:
- Meditation- I do meditate everyday but once is not enough when this energy comes over me. I up my meditation to doing it all throughout the day until I overcome this energy. I tune my mind into a vision of my quiet place or I listen to meditation music to quiet the voice.
Affirmations- I speak them in my head all throughout the day to uplift my spirit and remind myself of my “why”; why I started all of this in the first place. My affirmations help to keep me focused and motivated. I speak them until I am walking in every word. I have provided a few for you that you can say daily.
- I can and I will fulfill my dreams.
- I am a conqueror.
- I will overcome my struggle.
- I will achieve my goals.
- I am called to a purpose and I will fulfill it.
- I am confidence.
- I am not fear; fear is not real.
- Support group- I reach out to my support circle. Sometimes one or two of them and sometimes all of them. At times we can use hearing things more than once. It pumps me up to hear you got this girl. Look at how far you have gotten in one year. You did something you thought you couldn’t so you can do it again. Hearing such positivity helps to get you over your current hurdle. As the church family would say, “Each level there is a new devil”. We just have to be armed and ready to overcome it. Because at the end of the day it is “False, Evidence, Appearing, Real” fear. And we are not fear but we are strong, powerful and sound soul beings. So, let's walk in our power.
I hope this has helped someone as it is currently helping me. I want to leave you with this and something that is constantly spoken to me. Always remember your WHY! Always remember why you started down this path and NEVER, NEVER, deter from it. Now let’s go and be great. WE GOT THIS!!!!!! #teamgo
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