A Mothers Wisdom Will Never Lead You Astray

Mothers display wisdom to us in many ways but no matter how old we get we tend to sometimes not listen. The thing I like about my family is we know how to come back and discuss what we were trying to get out when tension gets in the way. My sister birthday weekend we got into an intense discussion that turned into no one listening to the other and us letting our emotions take control. Momma told my sister to leave the discussion as it was but the my niece continued on and then I came into the picture and next thing you know the whole thing blew way out of proportion. Then Momma spoke again for us all to be quiet and listen to the youngest and that went all the way to the left. But had we listened to our mother the conversation would had went into the right direction.

The one thing I am learning as I have gotten older parents give us much wisdom and when we listen things turn out for our good. I will admit I am not completely there yet listening to my momma 100% but I am much better than where I was some years ago. I take heed of her guidance and I will say I listen 80% of the time. Her voice is important to me and give thanks to be able to still be guided by her. My parents did the best they knew how raising me. But one thing I know for sure I chose both of them and I can now see why I chose them. They have taught me a lot about myself. Hadn't I chosen them I would not be who I am today. My dad is no longer with us but he left us with some valuable words, guidance and memories. We are a family that is healing from our past and I give thanks for where we are right now. No one is perfect and we do not have all the answers but with us all connected we can provide each other something the other is missing. I want to leave you with some wise words today! LISTEN TO YOUR MOMMA! Lol! And listen to your parents and elders they will never lead you astray. The guidance they give you will place you in the right direction. 

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Tcherari E. Khema


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