A Near End Is Nothing But A New Beginning Hidden In Disguise

You ever get to the point you just wanna breakdown and just cry. Well, I am at this point. My head is moving 100mph and I'm doing my best to keep up with all I have going on but the shit just is overwhelming. When you solo all the weight falls on you and being weak is just really not an option. You have to keep telling yourself I GOT THIS! I am going to get things together and keep pressing forward. In all of this I realized I need help. Just me is not going to get things accomplished like I foresee.

So, guess what I'm getting help with the things I do not have enough time to so I can that feed my soul and put my core focus on my passions. Tears, yes I've shed. Now I'm on stage 2 figuring out my way forward which in my language means being amongst nature and time off the grid to hear, see, listen and focus. Right now every little thing is bothering me and a few days of me time will be my medicine. I know it is time to take things up a notch and I am ready to shack this distress energy and get my blog game back on. And if you can relate to me remember to not give up. Near ends are nothing but new beginnings hiding behind all the fluff. What is your medicine when you get overwhelmed?

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Thank you for taking the time to ready my post.



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